Open the capsule to your next level power, purpose, and performance with Power Seeds!

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Are you ready to POWER UP in life performance?

Get ready for POWER SEEDS!

Let's Shift with "Power Seeds," a 4-week series designed to unleash your full potential and purpose. It's time to open up the capsule and shift into your greater capacity! 

I'm Ilka Murray


Hey there, I'm Ilka Murray, and I'm here to help you shift with my new series Power Seeds. I'm all about one thing: unleashing your power. I'm here to guide you into a life of high performance, power, and purpose.

With a background in personal development and empowerment coaching, I've seen the incredible impact of owning your power. From building unshakable confidence to managing life's seasonal shifts with resilience, each seed we plant and grow together is a step closer to unleashing the powerhouse that you truly are.


I was exactly where you are right now.

CRAVING SOMETHING MORE something deeper—a life of purpose, passion, and power.

  • I was striving for perfection in everything I did which lead me to unrealistic outcomes and a forever future fear of failure that held me back from taking action.
  • I had a cycle of dissatisfaction and emptiness in my purpose.
  • I was struggling to manage multiple roles and responsibilities, both at work and at home, resulting in burnout and overwhelm.

Life was lifting and I was over it! But...

Once I paused everything I was doing, moved into self-awareness, I shifted.

I've faced my fears, confronted my limitations, recognized the patterns in mindset and habits that weren't serving me happiness and success, and I emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before. 

  • I let go of perfectionism and focused on micro-shifting.
  • I uncommitted myself to anything and anyone that did not increase happiness and fulfillment in my life.
  • I learned how to successfully function in my many capacities. 

Now, I want to help you POWER UP and unleash your capacity for greatness 

You are shifting -a shift of the soul, a shift of the mind, and a shift of the spirit


“I have been implementing Ilka's strategies and I find it so powerful, so inspiring. The tools are simple and easy to use, but very powerful. I am using them right now. They are helping me to shift into a life that I desire to live, instead of an ordinary life. -


You need Power Seeds if you are

  • Eager to cultivate a mindset of abundance and growth.
  • Seeking guidance on forgiveness and letting go the past
  • Tired of playing small and hiding your true brilliance, dimming your light to fit into the expectations of others, and denying the world the gift of your authentic self.

  • You're tired of feeling like a passenger in your own life, watching opportunities pass you by while you remain stuck in the same old patterns of thinking and behavior, yearning for a catalyst to propel you forward into the life you were meant to live.

Inside the series

Power Seeds series is designed to mirror the stages of a seed's growth, guiding you through 4 phases of transformation.

With each session, you'll build upon the last, gaining deeper insights and practical tools to shift you into your power, purpose, and greater life performance. Each series is partnered with video training with Ilka Murray, and written content for your continued growth.

🌿 Theoretical Understanding: Gain valuable insights into the principles of personal growth and transformation, rooted in the metaphor of a seed's journey.

🌱 Practical Exercises: Dive into hands-on exercises and activities carefully crafted to help you apply key concepts to your own life, fostering real and lasting change.

🪴 Reflective Activities: Take moments for introspection and reflection, allowing you to integrate your learnings and deepen your understanding of yourself and your journey.

Don't miss this opportunity to sow the seeds of change and cultivate the life you desire!



Helping you to stop settling and start shifting into a life of high performance and purpose.

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